How to shop by bike

It is possible to give up the car even for the delicate task of shopping, here are our tips:

Bike racks , panniers and large baskets are absolutely recommended.

We do not recommend putting shopping bags on the handlebars because they could slip between the spokes of the front wheel, they could rub against us and consequently break and you would also have less maneuvering capacity, an easy imbalance and difficulty with the brakes.

We also advise you to optimize space; too often, in fact, we buy super-packed foods, so let's go for the packaging, which in addition to cluttering also weighs.

Prefer quality over quantity and do less shopping more often:supermarkets have very advantageous offers, how many of us stock up for the week on Saturday, only to realize that bread is out on Wednesday, milk on Thursday and something is out of date on Friday ... The neighborhood shops specialize in the quality of the products, bonds of trust are created, the products are always fresh and you save on petrol!

NEVER FORGET TO BIND YOUR BICYCLE , even for the time to take a liter of milk!